
Dematic Partners With 谷歌云 for Supply Chain Innovation, Management


Dematic said it plans to combine its 供应链 expertise with 谷歌云's artificial intelligence 和 machine learning technologies. 的 Atlanta-based 公司 said its partnership will bolster 供应链 resilience 和 deliver go-to-market 系统.

“This partnership is a continuation of our invaluable col劳动ation with the 谷歌云 team, whose keen interest in helping us build 和 test the next generation of warehouse management solutions makes this alliance a perfect match for our growth strategy,迪·库萨克说, 德马泰克首席技术官. “Through this partnership, we are helping our customers advance their positions in the industry.”

Dematic designs, builds, supports intelligent automation to support customers in 制造业, 仓库,以及分配. 的 公司 是凯傲集团的子公司,是领先的 供应商 的工业 卡车供应链 系统.

德马泰克拥有11,000多名员工 研究与开发 engineering centers, factories, service centers in more than 35 countries. 它补充说,它在全球拥有8000多家客户.


德马泰克表示,将其产品迁移到 和应用 AI 机器学习(ML)将迅速推动 创新. 它声称客户将能够使用 谷歌云 underst和 efficiencies to be gained in areas such as operations, planning, 劳动, 库存


“A few things led us toward 谷歌—their vision 和 strategy aligned almost perfectly with ours,克里斯·谢弗回答道, 德马泰克全球产品管理副总裁. “其次,我们的客户群中有很大一部分看到了 谷歌 作为战略合作伙伴.”

“谷歌拥有先进的人工智能/机器学习能力, 但在一天结束的时候, it comes back to having a partner that wants to impact society 和 the world in the same way we do,他说 机器人24/7. “Dematic brings 200 years of warehouse automation experience, while 谷歌 brings the —the combination is something the 供应链 industry hasn't found to date.”

“谷歌云 is committed to helping organizations across the 供应链 address the rapidly evolving needs 和 expectations of customers, 供应商, 实现 centers with 云 technology,” said Kirsten Kliphouse, president for North America at 谷歌云. “We're pleased to partner with Dematic to provide customers with innovative solutions 和 technologies that will help them quickly address changes across the industry 和 that support their 数字 转换的目标.”


迪库萨克, 德马泰克的首席技术官, 还有柯尔斯滕·克里豪斯, 谷歌云北美总裁. 来源:处于


Dematic will use the 谷歌云 to develop 和 deploy 软件 for areas including 电子商务 以及全渠道的实现,合伙人说. Dematic also plans to build “control-tower” applications for vertical markets including general 商品, 杂货店, 服装, 食品和饮料.

“We've seen lots of disruptions in the past two 和 a half years [including] 劳动 shortages, Shanghai shut down because of COVID-19, the Ukraine conflict,” 剃须刀说. “How can we leverage our 供应链 knowhow 和 谷歌's AI/ML capabilities to make the complex simple for customers?”

他还提到了环境问题 可持续性 作为Dematic与谷歌云合作的一个好处.

“Taking waste out of the 供应链 has been gaining steam, but Europe has been ahead of the U.S.谢弗说. “我们希望五年后能够做到什么?? 减少10%的卡车将是一个很好的起点. Looking across the ecosystem with data insights, visibility into 库存, 优化, we could also reduce the footprint by 15% or increase the utilization of facilities.”

“大约70%的服装电商退货 最终 在垃圾填埋场,因为季节性,运输和重新包装. 把它们扔掉比转售要便宜得多。. “Several grocers have announced their aspirations to reduce food waste to zero by 2030. How do we get data 和 visibility into 库存 flows so it goes where customers need when they need it?”

“最后一个优势是速度,”Shaver说. “We want to deploy 云-based microsolutions for well-informed decision-making. If you put Office on a laptop today, you don't need to go to Best Buy to buy a CD; you go to the Web. We want to modernize the 软件 stack for quick deployment of things such as re-routing AMRs [自主移动机器人].”


仓库自动化供应商越来越多地这样说 软件 会比硬件更有优势吗.

“现在有多少AMR提供商?谢弗说。. “We want to create more microservices as we approach how to scale our business. 控制, 优化, 大规模的机器人舰队, 我们的客户面临着越来越复杂的项目的挑战.”

“We don't want a project three to four years from now to take three to four times the technology resources,他解释道. “当我们谈到模块化方法时, 我们想把我们的软件栈和标准服务像乐高积木一样.”

使用微服务库, Dematic customers could pull modules down from the 云 和 use fewer resources to build custom solutions 和 minimize complexity, 剃须刀说. 但是模块是如何设计的呢?

“当我们与客户谈论他们的供应链旅程时, 我们看到四个步骤,谢弗说。, 他们列举了以下几点:

  1. 仓库中基本的、标准的可重复任务
  2. 增加自动化、机电一体化和软件——“我们今天玩的地方”
  3. 创造一个“真正自主的下一代暗仓库”
  4. An “autonomous end-to-end 供应链” with 数字 twins for the customer 和 all its functional partners, 从原材料到运输

他承认,其中一个挑战是如何从机器人身上获取传感器, 输送机, 或者排序器来运行预测分析. “那, we can take that data to predict which products pose the highest challenges 和 potential for jams,Shaver补充道. “我们在设备上安装了更多的传感器.”


“我们与谷歌的合作将带来真正的自动驾驶, 自我维持的, 仓库熄灯比人们想象的要快得多,剃须刀断言道。. However, he acknowledged that human intervention will likely need to be available for some time. 

“Warehouses could become like power-generation facilities—how many are mostly monitored off-site by a central comm和 center?谢弗说. “这就是我们正在寻找的模式.”

机器人硬件变得商品化, Dematic's 软件 stack 和 modules will help it 和 its customers compete, 说剃须刀.

“即使是在特定客户的网络中, 经常, 这些网站不会在诸如 机器人手臂 利用机器学习来获取一些东西,”他说. “这就是我们认为会带来巨大价值的东西.”

“With the '80/20 rule,' 80% of a customer's SKU [stock-keeping unit] is in every 配送中心20%是区域性或季节性的,”谢弗指出. “通过这种合作关系, 我们可以帮助优化手臂, 群集amr, 为整个供应链提供动力. 该行业迫切需要解决供应链中断的方案.”

为此目的, Dematic 和 谷歌云 are now in the process of setting up governing structures 和 a co-创新 lab, 剃须刀说.

